Governance and management structures
The KlipSA Executive Committee manages the affairs of KlipSA the members of which are elected at the AGM. The Executive Committee meet monthly on the last Tuesday of the month to discuss the affairs of the organisation, reviewing progress on projects and the work of the subcommittees and working teams and oversight on the administration and finances.
The subcommittees and working teams focus on specific areas of management and projects. These comprise a representative of the Executive Committee and any person who wishes to contribute their skills and abilities just has an interest in what KlipSA is involved in and wishes to participate.

The subcommittees and working teams include the following:
Sustainable usiness - in partnership with SOJO Business and Tourism To create a suitable environment for business to do business. This includes working with the City of Johannesburg and other business organisations and associations to contribute to the development of strategies, policies and legislation that are in the interests of business.
Sustainable Urban Living - to bring information and support to communities regarding sustainable living in urban areas.
Sustainable Development - the Sustainable Development Team meet on a monthly basis to discuss development applications, strategies, policies and legislation and review development projects and initiatives including:
Klip River Water Stewardship Initiative (KlipWaS) - Focuses on involving and assisting communities within the Klip River catchment in water stewardship towards improving the quality and quantity of water in the Klip River as it flows towards the Vaal River. This is done in partnership with national, provincial and local authorities and agencies, private sector and community organisations and associations, academia and representatives of the private sector.
Liaison and partnerships with national regional and local environmental organisations and associations and community-based organisations with a shared interest in the many aspects of the environment and biodiversity.
Marketing and public relations - responsible for promoting KlipSA On the many platforms and media formats available.
Administration and Finance - ensuring that the necessary measures are taken with regard to the administration and finance of the organisation.
If you would like to become involved in any of the subcommittees and working teams, please contact the Chairman.
Volunteers and people who want to make a difference and contribute to the work of KlipSA offering themselves, their skills, their experience and abilities of most welcome.
KlipSA Executive Members
Members of the Executive Committee include:
Andrew Barker (Chairman)
Frank Diener (Vice-Chairman)
Sandra Andrews (Treasurer)
Alan Bentley (Secretary)
Dennis Jane
Neal Neervoort
Nicky Vakaloudis
Prasheen Singh
Ruan Botha
To contact the Executive Committee email the Chairman

KlipSA Constitution

The Constitution for KlipSA (Klipriviersberg Sustainability Association) was presented and adopted at the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday, 23 August 2011
To download the Constitution, click here