The southern areas of Johannesburg include large open tracts of unspoilt land stretching from the Klipriviersberg Range of hills in the north to the Klip River further south. The area is rich biodiversity and natural resources, varying from the beautifully wooded Klipriviersberg range of hills, to grasslands and wetlands and to prolific birdlife along the Klip River, a tributary of the Vaal River. It contains numerous heritage sites, such as the ruins of the dwellings of Sotho/Tswana people who lived there 300 and more years ago, an old Voortrekker farmstead, Boer war fortifications and sites of interest from the gold rush days. A KhoiSan community lived in the area and still does today.
The Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve, 680 hectares in extent and the largest proclaimed nature reserve in Johannesburg, lies at the centre of the area. The Reserve, in which a variety of game roams freely, is an urban conservation jewel, is owned by the City of Johannesburg and is managed with the assistance of the Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve Association (KNRA).
The wider area has considerable tourism, recreational, cultural, educational and developmental potential, but needs proper and careful environmental management and protection from untoward development.

The core area that is KlipSA's focus is defined by the N12 highway to the north (the Southern Bypass), the R59 highway to the east (the Vereeniging Highway), the R550 and R554 south of the Klip River and the N1 Highway to the west.
The area is approximately 150 square kilometres in extent.
The area is largely located within the municipal area of Johannesburg and also extends into the areas of Ekurhuleni and Midvaal.
In terms of the Constitution the aims and objectives of the KlipSA include:
Protect, promote and enhance the biodiversity of the area and to retain its natural beauty.
Encourage landowners, residents, business owners and all other stakeholders in the area to be environmentally aware and to embrace the practice and principles of sustainability and sustainable urban living.
Assist and cooperate with local, provincial and national government regarding biodiversity, sustainability, management of natural resources, sustainable social and economic development and job creation within the area.
Raise awareness in the community of the environmental, social and economic opportunities of the area based on the value of its natural environmental resources.
Guide and encourage suitable and appropriate social and economic development that supports sustainability, attracts tourism and furthers job creation.
Establish a mutually beneficial relationship between property development and conservation.
Assist in preserving heritage, archaeological and historical sites within the area.
Liaise and cooperate with a wider network of similar conservation areas and organisations for mutual growth and development.